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Monthly Meeting July 15, 2024

Fishing the Eastern Sierra - Doug Rodricks

Program Description:

Doug's program will cover various locations in the eastern sierra, with emphasis on some of the best waters to catch trout with a fly rod. While many of the locations are currently well known, there will be areas mentioned that are not typically fished with heavy pressure and not as known. The program will also cover techniques, rigging, fly selection, use of a boat with emphasis on today’s electronics on how to have an advantage in locating and catching trout. Stillwaters as well as moving waters will be mentioned. How to utilize the entire rod to play a fish, thus shortening the time it takes to land a fish, mainly larger fish. Maintaining a 90 degree angle at all times while fighting a fish. Properly netting and caring for a trout after the battle. The best ways to photograph and release fish while incurring minimal if any damage to a fish.